In this article, were going to show you, step-by-step how to: 

    • Get Noticed by Employers. 
    • Attract the attention of an employer by assuring them that you meet the requirements for their open position. 
    • Overcome usual objections that Canadian Employer (naturally) have towards the complexities of Hiring Overseas Workers 

    So, how do you really get Noticed by Canadian Employers? Can you really diversify yourself from the vast pool of other overseas Candidates applying for the same vacancy? 

    We think that you can, but first things first: 

    Get Noticed by Employers 

    • Make sure you prepare a professional Resume that will focus on your details skills. credentials. and abilities that are relevant to the next rung of your career laeder 
    • Your Resume (as we call it in North America) is the most important asset in getting the Attention of Canadian Hiring Managers 
    •  A poorly constructed resume or one that doesn't place the proper focus on your abilities can very easily get you disqualified by The Canadian Hying Managers. 
    • Make sure you build a Professional Canadian Resume +Cover Letter 
    • The CV, Or be "Resume; as we call It in North America. is the 'Silent Salesman" for a job applicant, giving insight into the candidates unique abilities. 
    • The profesional resume attracts the attention of an employer by assuring them that you meet the requirements for their open position. It's one of the most Important tools In your job search. 
    • Include your name and contact information at the top middle, left or right corner on the first Page  

    Attract the attention of a Canadian Employer & assure them that your qualifications are the best possible fit for their open position 

    • Make sure you also include your name at the top of page 2 in case they are separated 
    • Include relevant experience and volunteer experience as well 
    • Focus on your accomplishments and the results you got. Employers want to see number whenever possible.
    • The Cover Letter is your "sales pitch" where you are the 'product" so it's vital to have good communication skills in order to "sell' yourself.
    • A good Cover Letter can help you land that interview.
    • Your Cover Letter needs to be addressed to a specific Person inside the company which you are applying in and have a catchy headline along with the name of the position you're applying for 
    • List your qualifications in a presentable manner. 
    • Focus on your skills and achievements. 
    • Do not go overboard! Your Cover Letter needs to be 3-4 short sentences and needs to focus on what you can bring to the company, cover your work experience shortly. and how your experience can benefit the company where you're applying at.
    • Don't forget to also demonstrate your knowledge about the company and the position being offered. 
    • End the letter with a polite and subtle hint that you would very much appreciate if the employer can contact you back.

    How to Overcome Usual Objections that Canadian Employer (naturally) Have Towards the Complexities of Hiring Overseas Workers? 

    • Present a "Cover Letter to Hiring Manager" 
    • The cover letter should state that you understand the concerns that Canadian Hiring Managers have when reviewing resumes from applicants abroad and that you are willing to work with the Hiring Manager in order to help him/her overcome the obstacles in Hiring Overseas Workers, should the Hiring Manager agree to continue with the process 
    • You also need to state and assure them that you are confident that the qualifications that you possess are adequate to the demands of the job being offered.
    • Don't forget to mention the fact that most nationally conducted studies have proven that foreign workers are always willing to work harder than native Canadians, not less because of their sheer determination and ambition to succeed in this new Economy and make a statement for themselves.

    Here's a Sample Submission Letter to a Canadian Hiring Manager that has Worked Well So Feel Free To Use it as a Template in Your Application 

    To: Hiring Manager 
    Subject: Employment Application 

    I am applying for a position at your company and 1 am confident that my skills gained Abroad are comparable against those required by the position being offered. 
    I'm aware of the common concerns of Canadian Employers while reviewing resumes of Overseas Skilled Workers. I would also like to prove that I am fully determined to succeed in the Canadian economy given a chance, because of my sheer determination to succeed in this economy. I am confident that I possess the necessary skill-set to answer the demands of the job being offered. By submitting an Employment Application to your company, I want to demonstrate a genuine determination to relocate to Canada permanently. If you do select me, 1 will strive to comply with all the requirements in order to work in Canada legally. 

    Kind regards, 
    (Applicant name)