You probably know about morning sickness and swollen ankles—these are your garden-variety pregnancy ailments—but there are other symptoms no one seems to talk about. We're breaking the taboo and rounding up some of the lesser-known pregnancy symptoms to help new mamas know they aren't alone. 

    Dry, Itchy Skin

    is very common, especially around the abdomen and breasts (it's not used to being stretched!). Avoid taking hot showers, use pregnancy-safe moisturizers or oils to soothe skin, and wear breathable clothing on warm days.

    Swelling Or Bleeding Gums

    may occur due to the increase In pregnancy hormones. Make sure you're brushing and flossing regularly, and visit your dentist early in your pregnancy for a checkup.

    Shortness Of Breath

    might occur as your uterus grows and pressure on your upper body increases. Try this: Stand up and raise your arms over your head. By lifting your ribcage, you'll be able to take in more air. Try to keep your shoulders back so your chest area can open, allowing more breathing space. 

    A Stuffy Nose

    is not uncommon. The increased hormones dry out the lining of your nose, making it inflamed and swollen. Try to drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day to thin out mucous, and avoid using commercial nose sprays. Use a humidifier or vaporizer to add moisture to the air. 


    can seem non-stop when you are expecting. Stay ahead of it by avoiding fried or spicy foods, eating small meals throughout the day rather than larger, less frequent meals, and rest/sleep with your upper body propped up to prevent stomach acids from rising. 

    Leaking Colostrum

    (a thick, yellowish fluid containing valuable antibodies for your babe) from the nipples is normal and can happen as early as the second trimester. Wear nursing pads in your bra to protect your clothing from leaks. 


    is common during pregnancy—especially during the first trimester. You may be able to prevent or handle these episodes by eating regularly to keep your blood sugar stable, lying on your left side to improve circulation, and sitting down and practising controlled breathing. You should also avoid becoming overheated.

    Pregnancy can be a strange experience, and there are more of some weired things to expect during this period. Firstly, your body will experience a range of bizarre cravings that may not be easy to satisfy. Secondly, you may find yourself feeling moody, weepy, and emotional for no apparent reason. Thirdly, you may find that your skin is more sensitive, leading to itchy patches on your body. Fourthly, you may experience a metallic taste in your mouth. Fifthly, you may find yourself talking to your baby, even if it is only in your head. Sixthly, you may find that your feet swell up as your body prepares for childbirth. Lastly, you may find that your hair grows faster, thicker, and in some cases, changes color.

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